Club Policy

Year of 2024

Annual Membership dues

2024 Jan - Apr May - Aug Sep - Dec
Signle Member $10 $10 $10
Couple Member $15 $15 $15

Tournament Fee

Unless otherwise noted, the basic average tournament fee is as follows for the 2024:
Members: $75
Guests: $60 *1
However, tournament fee is depending on tournament cost of the golf course, the fee may be subject to change.
Please refer to the next tournament information page or future schedule for more details.

The tournament fee includes the following prizes:
- Ranking prizes (Members only. See below)
- Best Putting Strokes prize (Members only)
Other prizes, side bets are optional.
The tournament fee may change without notice.
*1 The tournament fee for geusts may vary depending on the golf course. Please see schedule page.

Side Bets

The optional side-bets are available to enroll. These side-bets enrollment fee must be paid before the tournament begins.

Closest-to-the-hole: $ 5 Also known as "nearest-pin" or "near-pin". Guests may participate.
Skins game: $ 10 Net birdie or better socre can be eligible.
Guests may participate without handicap (or zero handicap).
Callaway: $ 10 Both members and guests may participate.
The number of rankings will be depending on how many players will participate.
Using 9 (nine) handicap-holes selected randomly. The calculation method may be changed without notice.
When multiple “same HDC/net” scores present, then
   1) Lower score in +/- par of back-9 (not using gross score because of Par difference between men and women) will have advantage, then
   2) Compare handicap hole 1 to 18 and lower score (+/- par) at higher handicap hole will have advantage, just like regular tournament ranking.
When any difference in total Par for tees, the additional difference will be deducted from the NET score.
(For example, when men's tee is Par 72 and lady's is Par 74, the difference of 2 will be deducted in addition to the calculated net score.)
Longest Driving: (DISCONTINUED)
$ 5
Also known as "nearest-pin" or "near-pin". Guests may participate.
Skins game:
$ 10
Net birdie or better socre can be eligible.
Guests may participate without handicap (or zero handicap).
$ 10
Both members and guests may participate.
The number of rankings will be depending on how many players will participate.
Using 9 (nine) handicap-holes selected randomly. The calculation method may be changed without notice.
When multiple “same HDC/net” scores present, then
   1) Lower score in +/- par of back-9 (not using gross score because of Par difference between men and women) will have advantage, then
   2) Compare handicap hole 1 to 18 and lower score (+/- par) at higher handicap hole will have advantage, just like regular tournament ranking.
When any difference in total Par for tees, the additional difference will be deducted from the NET score.
(For example, when men's tee is Par 72 and lady's is Par 74, the difference of 2 will be deducted in addition to the calculated net score.)
Best Gross:
Longest Driving:


(To be announced)

Best Putting Strokes (also called "Fewest Putts" / depending on number of players attended)


The winner's handicap will be cut by 30%. This is called "winner adjusted handcap".
You need to play 3 (three) times with that handicap before going back to the normal handicap calculation method.
* From year 2023, this rule has been reduced to 2 (two) times instead of three.

Handicap is calculated with Adjusted Gross Score ("AGS").
AGS is calculated by limiting maximum strokes each hole depending on your current handicap.
0 to 9 Double Bogey
10 to 19 7
20 to 29 8
30 to 39 9
40 (or more) 10


This tournament is "stroke play". Therefore, ranking is determined by NET score (gross score - HDC) on descending order. (= least NET socre will be the 1st place.)
If there are multiple players with the same NET score, see the section "How To Determine Tie Score" below.

Yuusho/Winner (1st Place)

As long as you pay membership fee for the tournament year in full and tournament fee in full before the tournament begins, you are entitled to be the winner.
About new members, see the "New Member's Handicap and Yusyo" section below.

Grand Champion

Grand Champion of the year (champion of champions, or also called "club champion") will be competed in January every year.
If January tournamnet is called off due to severe weather condition, the the first tournament of the year will be used.  Absentees do not have the right to complain about tournament month of the Grand Championship.
The adjusted HDC after winning month will be used for the HDC for the Grand Championship. (For example, a person's HDC was 18 at the time of winning. Then adjusted HDC will be 30% less, which will be 13. So, 13 will be used for the Grand Championship.)
If persons who won twice or more in the tournament year, then lower HDC is used. (For example, when a person who's adjusted HDC after winning months are 13 and 11, then 11 will be used.)

New member's Handicap and Yusho

* After attending the tournament three (3) times as a guest, you will get your handicap and are entitled to be the winner from the 4th month since you played with us first time.
* Also you can become a member after turning in your three (3) five (5)(changed) scorecards, you will still be able to become a member and get you handicap, but there is one (1) time/month wait period to entitle to be a winner. So, you can be the winner one (1) time/month after you get the handicap. (You can't be the winner the month you get the handicap. You must play at least one (1) time after you get your handicap for the winning eligibility.)

Hole-In-One Prize

* $300 (Members only)

How To Determine Tie Score

The tie socre will be determined in the following order:

  1. Lower handicap holder gets advantage against the higher haidicap holder. When haidpcaps are the same, then -
  2. Lower (better) score of the back-9 holes. If still the same, then -
  3. Compare each hole beginning with HDC #1 hole, then HDC #2 hole, and so on until HDC #18 hole. Anyone who gets the better score, he/she will take advantage.

This rule will apply to all regular monthly tournament, Callaway game and Grand Championship.

Skins Game

* Skins game will only count for net/gross Birdie or better. Net/Gross Par will not count and do not even write net/gross Pars on the Skins game card.
* When your HDC is 18 or under, you will get 1 on HDC hole up to your HDC number. (Example, when your HDC is 12, you will get one each hole for HDC hole 1 through 12.)
* When your HDC is 19 or over, you will get another 1 from the HDC hole 1. (Example, when your HDC is 20, you will get 2 on HDC hole 1 and 2, and 1 for the rest.)
* HDC hole is described on the score card and differ depending on which tee you play.
* Gross Eagle will have advantage against Net Eagle.
* Net Albatross or better will have advantage against Gross Eagle.

Final Result

* After announcing the tournament results, the places and prizes are final and no one can claim again it once the tournament was over.

Making A Payment For Tournament Fee

Please pay tournament fee and optional side-bets before the tournament starts.
If you don't pay the tournament fee in advance, you will not qualified for the tournament, and cancellation fee applies to you.
If you don't pay the optional side-bets in advance, you are not qualified for the side-bet games.
Please pay in cash or check only.
We don't accept credit cards, debit cards or any other types of payments.
Please make checks payable to "Japan Club" and bring a check with you on the tournament day.
We no longer accept payment via postal mail.

Tournament Notification Method

Next month's tournament will be posted at this website.
Also we will send you via e-mail.  Please let us know your e-mail address which you regularly use.
If you don't get our e-mail invitation, please first check your Spam or Trash folder.  If you find that our e-mail went into such folder, please configure your e-mail software or e-mail web service (such as Yahoo, Gmail, etc.) to "not a spam".
(No paper version of tournament invitations will be sent out.)

Attendance Notification Method

You can notify us either of the following methods:
  * Reply to our invitation e-mail
  * Sending a message via "Contact Us" page of our website
  * Calling by phone to one of our board members
Please notify us by the 7th of the tournament month regardless your participation, even if you are not sure yet.  If you are not sure, please notify us when we can have a reply from you.   Your cooperation is necessary and appreciated because we must report how many pleople will be participating and pay tournament fee to the golf course in advance.
You must pay a tournament fee in the event of "no-show" without contacting us regardless the reason, except for the reasons defined by USGA or SCGA tournament rule, such as, but not limited to saving others life, etc., but must be proven.
Cancelling within certain days before the tournament ''may'' result you to pay a tournament fee if golf course did not accept the cancellation and you did/could not find someone else for you.
("Certain days" varies depends on the golf course.)

Playing Tee

Blue (or back tee)
Senior players can play from regular/middle tees (also called "white tee", etc.)
Single handicapped players must play from the back tee regardless the age.

Red (or ladies/forward tee). This tee is for seniors and non-seniors.
Single handicapped players must play from the regular/middle (or also called "white" tee) regardless the age.

* Senior players are 65 years old or above, and may play from the forward tee of your gender class.  You may play from back tee if you like, but you must play from the same tee for the whole game.  Switching tee once you made the first stroke on the first hole will disqualify the tournament.

Home Page
(E-mail address will be displayed after you login for the security purposes.)

(Revised: 2024-01-04)